As a Coach it is palpable to see a person who is a just participating in their coaching process versus fully committed to it. People often come to me because they desire change in their life, whether it be professional or personal. The coaching begins, and the person who is ready to participate (but not yet fully commit) begins to have excuses, regrets, problems – you name it. The change is no longer wanted even at times. The participant part is not bad or wrong in the least. Being a participant in the coaching process will get results by they are limited. The participant wants to change, but also has tons of reasons why not to. We’ve all been there.
Being committed means that you feel it in your bones and are more interested in the process than in the excuses, the fears, the problems, the circumstances as they come up.
Being committed to the coaching process means that you feel it in your bones and are more interested in the process than in the excuses, the fears, the problems, the circumstances as they come up. The commitment trumps all of that because they desire the change or transformation down to their bones and inside their souls. One of my jobs as a coach is to have the person get present to the fact that they requested change, but are not yet committed to it. That reflection in itself often adds so much insight into what the person actually wants, not just sort-of wants. And then the person gets to choose who they want to be about what they want to change.
That is all to say that with or without a coach, whatever you want “change” in, make a decision about whether you want to participate in that change or fully commit to it. And then take action!
Friday thoughts.
Lots of love and success to you.
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